Thursday, June 14, 2012

A Harder Road

We have known that this time was eventually coming but when you finally get the call you face a new reality.     Erik's Dad has been battling Prostate Cancer for several years.    Yesterday, we received the news that he has three to six months left of life on earth and that he also had a small stroke.   We are all absorbing this news in different ways.   In the last twenty four hours there have been tears, worry, sadness and questions.   Our greatest desire is for him to accept Jesus as his Saviour and we are coming to realize that we may not know that answer this side of heaven.  We are going to have to trust in God and His plan for Bud.   We are coveting the prayers of family, friends, church, Wild Ones and our Co op Family.   I can see God's hand in the struggles we have faced as a family.  He has drawn us closer to Him in the last few years, we have learned to rely on His provision, His Grace and His care for us.  He has been with us in ways that we could never have imagined for ourselves and we will lean on Him as we travel down this hard road together.