Thursday, June 14, 2012

A Harder Road

We have known that this time was eventually coming but when you finally get the call you face a new reality.     Erik's Dad has been battling Prostate Cancer for several years.    Yesterday, we received the news that he has three to six months left of life on earth and that he also had a small stroke.   We are all absorbing this news in different ways.   In the last twenty four hours there have been tears, worry, sadness and questions.   Our greatest desire is for him to accept Jesus as his Saviour and we are coming to realize that we may not know that answer this side of heaven.  We are going to have to trust in God and His plan for Bud.   We are coveting the prayers of family, friends, church, Wild Ones and our Co op Family.   I can see God's hand in the struggles we have faced as a family.  He has drawn us closer to Him in the last few years, we have learned to rely on His provision, His Grace and His care for us.  He has been with us in ways that we could never have imagined for ourselves and we will lean on Him as we travel down this hard road together. 

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

                            Best Ever Taco Seasoning

1 T Chili Powder
1/2 t Garlic Powder
1/4 t Onion Powder
1/4 t Crushed Red Pepper Flakes
1/4 t Oregano
1/2 t Paprika
2 t Cumin
1 t Salt
1 t Pepper

Combine in small bowl and mix into browned 1 lb ground beef or turkey. 
Optional:  add 1/2 C water, bring to a boil, turn stove top to low and simmer 5 minutes.
One of the reasons I love to home schooling is the flexibility it gives us.   Our youngest is spending the afternoon working at the ranch.  He is doing some chores and will come home tired, sweaty and HAPPY.   He was created for work and loves all kinds of manual labor.   The ranch is giving him skills that he can use his whole life.   A good work ethic, animal care, fencing, pasture care, weed control and  moving hay bales.....lots and lots of hay bales.   =)  He was able to get half his school done this morning and will finish the rest after a snack, shower and dinner.   He is such a blessing to us; all winter he keeps our wood stove going and in the spring transitions to mowing the lawn.   ~Not too bad for an almost 12 year old!  
Dinner tonight is Taco's with home made salsa, guacamole and a big salad.   I have started making my own taco seasoning.  It has no added MSG or sugar and we all LOVE it.  

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Every Day Moments

Josh grew in stature last Saturday.   After a Wild Ones Ranch meeting he got Rompe out to do some ground work and a short ride.   Rompe decided to be a real Wild One and not cooperate with Josh.   Jeannie coached Josh, Erik, Sarah and Laura through a respect lesson; which I missed because I ran into Junction to get some sandwiches.  Josh had to send Rompe away and let him run until he was ready to pay attention, canter around him and rejoin his herd.   It took quite awhile for two young boyos with determination to come to an agreement.     What I saw when I arrived was a tired, focused three year old and a tired, quietly confident, walking a little taller 11 3/4 year old.   What great lessons they are learning together and what a Blessing the loving, patient, instruction of Miss Jeannie is to us.   It was "one of the best days ever"  according to Master Josh and I couldn't agree more!

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

January has been a challenging month for us and I find myself leaning on my faith, prayer and Gods words to sustain me.   I am thankful for every single day we have to be together as a family, to do life, school and grow; I want to let my kids go with me being full of encouragement, grace and peace.    I want to cherish each moment and not get caught up in the worries of this life.   I want to grow old with my husband and be a help to our kids and grandchildren.   I was reading another blog and the author was talking about these very things.   How will we react when life gets hard?   Will we be angry?   discouraged?   lose hope?  

My hope is in the Lord.  

This verse has been such an encouragement to me.   I am rejoicing in God; His love and the knowledge that no matter how hard life can be I can wake each morning and be joyful in God my Savior.

"Though the fig tree doe not bud and there are no grapes on the vines, though the olive crop fails and the fields produce no food, though there are no sheep in the pen and no cattle in the stalls, yet I will rejoice in the Lord, I will be joyful in God my Savior."
Habakkuk 3:17-18