Monday, January 16, 2017

More Than One Way to Skin a Cat

Just as the old saying goes there is "More Than One Way to Skin a Cat" there  is also more than one way to educate a child.   Whether you chose to use public, boarding, private, charter or home school is up to you as a family.  You live in a country that allows you freedom to choose what is best for your child, your family and your unique situation.
     We started home schooling our oldest after her school closed and her next public school choice didn't work.  We found her an out of district school that met our criteria for her education; I drove round trip almost an hour 2x  a day  to give her a good education from a school that rated high for academics, performance etc. Her younger sister started kindergarten there with her.  She got a "new to the school" teacher in a blended 3/4 grade class.  As the weeks progressed it was obvious that we were having teacher problems.   We had questions about her homework and got responses like "refer to the previous page"  or "she doesn't have to get the correct answer, just the concept....we are circling in on the idea"  etc.   As far as my husband was concerned home schooling was always an option for us; I was much more tentative.   After much prayer, soul searching and encouragement from good friends we decided to bring her home.  I thought I could do it for a year and then reassess.   She loved it....I loved it;  we were doing life together.  School is part of that life; so is church, chores, community service and activities.  After that first year her younger sister came home and her brother has always been home schooled. Each of my children has different, unique learning styles that have been encouraged.  I have an audio learner, kinetic/audio and a traditional learner.  Each one has been able to learn at their own pace and I have been able to purchase curriculum that works for each of them.  They have thrived being home educated; they have critical thinking skills, they have independent study skills and they have been social.  =)   We have participated in 4H, Brownies, Cub Scouts, Boy Scouts, Heritage Girls, Awana, BSF, Soccer, Softball, Shooting Sports, Co ops, Music and Horses.  ~Thankfully not all at the same time! We have had wonderful learning opportunities and a way of life that I will treasure long after my nest is empty.  My kids have close, rich relationships with each other, my husband and I.  We have loved our time studying God, His word, History and Character Development together at the dining room table and later our class table.   My husband and I developed a multigenerational vision for our family because of home schooling.  We have worked to put God first; to know Him intimately and to entrust our children to Him.  We want His work in them to be accomplished and for them to follow Him with their whole hearts.   As our oldest is pondering her future we are in constant prayer that His will for her will be revealed.   She may do traditional college, online college, a trade school, community college or do an internship/job after she is done with her high school studies.  Alas, there is also more than one way to "skin a cat" for higher learning too. =)
I wrote this almost four years ago and saved it.  Making it part of the diary of my life now.